How to Create a FUN Meditation Practice


I know you’ve likely heard of all the benefits of meditation and (if you’re anything like me circa 2019) still don’t carve out time to do it and/or think it’s impossible.

I get it. Asking a squirrel brain like me to sit still and quiet my mind always felt like TORTURE!

I mean seriously, I was convinced that meditation was reserved for the “zen” type people and I was NOT one of those.

“I don’t meditate because I’m zen, I meditate because I’m less bat shit crazy when I do”
- Brit 

I tried off and on for years and to be honest for awhile it felt like torture so I never stuck with it long enough to actually experience the benefits. Until one day when I finally decided to commit long enough to start experiencing the benefits. Yeah, I had to push through the discomfort and the feelings like “welp this isn’t working, I should just give up.” 

But that’s the thing with meditation- the results aren’t overnight.

I had to become aware of my desire for instant gratification and trust that if I stuck with it long enough I would eventually feel the benefits. And truthfully, I did!

Beyond stress reduction, better sleep etc. Meditation 100000% has helped me find clarity, confidence and JOY! Is there really any shiny object that is more powerful than that!?

If that doesn’t get you going, get this…it's FUN! And although I’ve never done LSD, I imagine that it’s similar to how I often feel during meditation except with a guarantee that there will never be a “bad trip.”

I see crazy beautiful colors and I often feel like I'm on a crazy roller coaster ride. Fun, right!? This started happening for me after 2 consistent weeks to give you an idea.

Not everyone experiences meditation this way, but I believe if you start to release this idea of what meditation needs to be and detach from the outcome, you experience it in the way you’re meant to, in its fullness.

One of my other favorite things about meditating is that I often get clarity when I feel consciously lost or uncertain about something.

The way I see it, is that our conscious, analytical mind gets in the way of that deep wisdom that we have beneath the surface and the practice of meditation helps you bring that wisdom to the surface, find clarity, and tap into the highest version of yourself.

How to Meditate 

So the burning question is how? Welp, you probably aren’t going to love this answer but I have to tell you anyway….practice. One time in your life you tried hundreds, if not thousands, of times to walk and fell just like every single human being on the planet, right!? But you still got back up and tried again until one day it just became second nature.

That's how meditation works. 

Forms of meditation include but are not limited to; sitting cross-legged or in a chair with your feet grounded, listening to a guided meditation (youtube is great for this or grab my free audio), meditation music (Spotify has great playlists), silence, the sounds of nature, etc. 

You can also do walking meditations. There’s really no wrong way to meditate as long as you’ve carved out intentional time to be present

I have a couple tips and tricks to speed up the process so you can start experiencing the benefits but just remember that on the other side of practice is a magical wonderland in your mind. Make it a fun experiment!

Tips for Creating a Meditation Practice

My Top Tips: 

  • Journal prior to meditation and try to release any lingering thoughts (good or bad) by getting them out of your mind and onto the paper.

  • Do some breathwork beforehand to give your mind something to focus on if it is not included in your audio.

    • A simple box breath is a good one (inhale 4 counts, hold 4 counts, exhale 4 counts, hold empty 4 counts). Do this at least 3-5 times or longer if you feel like your mind is extra squirrely that day.

  • To create consistency in the beginning, try to meditate just as you’re falling asleep. This is how I started. I would often fall asleep during the meditation but truly think that the consistency of doing it every night trained my monkey mind to learn to let go and help me deepen my practice. 

The Benefits of Meditation

If you’re still on the fence as to whether meditation is worth your time, here is a list of benefits backed by the brilliant researchers out there that are cheering you on to start a consistent practice!

  1. Stress Reduction

  2. Controls Anxiety

  3. Promotes Emotional Health

  4. Strengthens your ability to truly understand yourself

  5. Lengthens Attention Span

  6. Generates Kindness and less reactivity 

  7. May Help Fight Addictions and Control Food Cravings

  8. Improves Sleep

  9. Helps Control Pain

  10. Helps you tap into your intuition & feel more present

I found THIS article with direct links to some of the studies if you’re interested in taking a deeper dive. 

If you’re ready to dive in and start creating a meditation practice of your own try my FREE guided audio meditation to help you reconnect with your big aspirations and ground yourself in the energy of motivation. Especially handy if you struggle with follow-through ;) 

Big love,

xo, Brittni


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